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If you've seen some of the other pages, you know it's statistics time. According to's blog, 86% of employees, leaders, and executives cite a lack of collaboration and/or communication as the primary reason for workplace failures. That's an overwhelming majority of people citing a factor that seems as basic as saying breathing is a key to a longer life! To go a bit more in-depth, 40% believed that their organization lacked the appropriate level of teamwork and collaboration. 40%! 


That same study shows 3 very interesting statistics showing how a high level of collaboration and trust within a team directly relates to that company being able to retain their employees. First, 55% of employees state that a strong sense of community increases the chances they will stay with the company even if they don't think the job is perfect. Second, companies are 4.5x more likely to keep their best employees if they have open lines of communication and practice efficient teamwork. Third, 33% of employees state that a lack of effective communication and teamwork give them a negative perception of the company overall.


So, what does all this mean? Simple - Your company's vision and execution of effective teamwork can increase the morale and happiness of your employees while also leading to a more positive perception of your company! Also, you're much more likely to keep your best employees if you practice a high level of teamwork and communication. Teamwork truly does make the dream work (no, we will not apologize for that), and it leads directly to an increased efficiency for your individual employees, your teams, and your organization as a whole. Check out our unique Team-Building Sessions below!


What about Motivation? Where does that come into the mix? Brandon Gaille's market research shows that 18% of all employees describe themselves as Disengaged from the company, and 52% say they're Not Engaged, meaning 70% of employees are not performing efficiently in their job roles. The same research showed that Disengaged or Not Engaged employees led to $166,000 in revenue for the company while an Engaged employee led to $238,000 in revenue. That's $72,000 of productivity lost through an average of 70% of the workforce! And what's the main reason they're feeling Disengaged or Not Engaged? You got it - Lack of Motivation.


Lack of Motivation can be caused from a number of factors, and no year has added more reasons than 2020. Work/life balance has never been more difficult, and employees are finding it harder and harder to find their motivation through traditional channels or through self-motivation. So, what should you do, send everyone a cat poster? Unfortunately, it's not that simple, but hiring a Motivational Coach is! See the benefits of our Motivational Coaching sessions below to see how we can improve your team's efficiency, leading to more revenue and happier employees. 

Comedian on Stage


Below is a list of our main Teamwork Sessions, which have gotten incredible feedback from our past Clients. If any of our Teamwork or Motivation Sessions peak your interest and would help improve your team(s), make sure you Contact Us for more information!

Business People Applauding


Our most popular Teamwork Session is one that combines the actual Session with a team Event. These are popular and effective, because after your team succeeds in the Teamwork Session, they're then free to mingle, hang out, and enjoy getting to know each other, now that they have a higher level of comfortability with each other. 


Also, there are so many options when you pair with an event! Here are a few examples that we've done in the past:

  • Teamwork Session plus Dinner Buffet and Happy Hour to follow

  • Teamwork Session plus Barcade and drinks to follow (complete with drink tickets and coins for games)

  • Teamwork Session plus a Happy Appy Hour (Drinks + Appetizers) with Entertainment


There are numerous events that pair exceptionally well with a Teamwork Session, and the best part is seeing your team come together on their own during the event. Instead of just another typical team event, try a Teamwork Session + Event with SweetHart Entertainment. It'll take your event from a "I probably don't even want to go" to a "I can't believe we didn't do this sooner!" Contact Us with the form below to learn more, or to brainstorm a unique event that's not listed.

Outdoor Summer Party


There's something about an Outdoor Teamwork Session that other methods haven't quite been able to replace! No, it doesn't mean your team will be going through the obligatory ropes course or doing trust falls, but it does mean that they'll be more disconnected from their personal worlds, which leads them to be more invested in the Session at hand. 


Here are a few examples from Outdoor Teamwork Sessions we've led in the past: 

  • Scavenger Hunt around Raleigh (mostly with an event to follow)

  • Competition Royale - A Session full of different team-oriented games and challenges, so that your team builds teamwork and trust while having fun in a uniquely interactive way

  • Improv in the Park - This pairs our Improv Basics class with the wonders of outside, helping your team build soft skills and teamwork through the interactive, fun art of learning improv! 


As we mentioned earlier, the best part about having SweetHart Entertainment host an Outdoor Session vs. an Indoor Session is the fact that your employees are less likely to have distractions around them, which puts more of their focus into the Session instead of their own worlds. This leads to more interaction and higher success! Contact Us to learn more about our Outdoor Teamwork Sessions today!

Making Posters


Indoor is exactly what it sounds like - Indoors! The main benefit of doing an Indoor Teamwork Session is that it's more convenient, since most people host them at their work site or where an event will be taking place. Also, let's be honest, it's hard to build trust in your group when you're outside in the rain, so an Indoor Session is much safer. 


Here are a few Indoor Sessions we've done in the past: 

  • Improv Basics course - We lead your group through the basics of improv comedy, which not only teaches soft skills that we use every day for performing, but also builds a foundation of teamwork and trust among your employees!

  • Barcade Games Challenge - This unique Team-Building solution has gained a lot more popularity in recent years. We basically set you up at a Barcade and issue challenges with rotating teams, so that people get to work together to accomplish fun, interactive challenges no matter what skill level your employees have

  • Group Games Challenge - This Indoor Session features a lot of Team-Building games, which can bring out the competitive spirit of your team! There are lots of different challenges that require a lot of different skills, so you'll be learning more about your team with every challenge!


Each Indoor Session is geared towards to bring out the best in your team, and our Session Leaders are experts at putting everybody in the best spot to succeed without asking them to come too far out of their shells. Contact Us today to hear more about these sessions, or to hear about others we've hosted in the past!



Motivational Sessions are as fun for us to host as they are for your team attend! Our Motivational Speakers are energetic, engaging, and true Communication masters, leading to your team believing in themselves at a higher level than before. 


Here are a few key points about our Motivational Sessions:

  • Our Motivational Coaches have done dozens of Sessions, and have never once received a negative review, so your team is guaranteed to feel a renewed sense of confidence and drive that will lead to higher employee efficiency!

  • Not only will our Motivational Coaches take you through a Session with some personal discovery built in, but they always make sure to cover best practices for sustained success, ensuring that the results are able to be seen for weeks after the Session. 

  • Our Motivational Coaches motivate for a living! Which means that they have a lot of information to be passed on, including recommended reading selections, recommended podcasts, etc. This ensures that your team can follow-up on the Session practices in a way that meets them where they're personally at in their life

  • Our Motivational Sessions are highly customizable, which means they can be themed to hit on specific topics, or even center around an internal buzz word that's a priority for the company moving forward! 


Motivation can come and go for a lot of people, and there are so many factors that dictate each individual's personal level of motivation. Instead of spending all your team trying to find out those specific ways to motivate each person from your team, let us do the work for you! We'll make sure you start with a high foundational level to kick-start your team, add motivation and confidence, and lead to more overall success for your team! Contact Us below if you're interested in learning more or booking a session!


(919) 307-6798

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